Newsletter popup
Configure the newsletter popup
Select the customize theme option. Click on the dropdown menu at the top to select the Home page template.
From the left side menu, select the newsletter popup.
Customize the section by utilizing the settings on the right side of the theme editor, as described below:
Display mode
Choose the display mode from the following options: - Enable - Test mode - None (Note: In test mode the popup always displays despite the relevant settings or dismissing so that you can review all the time. When satisfied with the look, switch to 'Enable'.)
Color scheme
Select any color scheme defined in the theme settings>Colors>Schemes.
Choose any image from the store library.
Image overlay opacity
Adjust the range bar to determine the overlay opacity above the image. (Note: To change overlay color, edit the scheme "Image overlay background" color in the color scheme under theme settings.)
Add heading text. (Note: Wrap your text between [ ] to add the markers font.) Markers font Choose the marker's font from the following options: - Accent - Body - Heading (Note: These fonts can be changed in theme settings>typography.) Heading size Select the heading size from the following options: - XX- large - X- large - Large - Medium - Small - X-small Heading tag Specify heading code types from H1-H6, div, span or p tag for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes. Description
Add description text. Description text size Select the description text size from the following options: - X- large - Large - Normal - Medium - Small - X-small Content alignment Choose the content alignment from the following options: - Left - Center - Right Email placeholder Enter the email placeholder text. Button text Enter the button text.
Delay until the popup appears (on page load) Adjust the range bar to determine the delay time, until the popup appears on page load. Show only on home page Select this checkbox to show popup on home page only. Disable for account holders Select this checkbox to disable the popup for account holders. On checking this option, the popup will not appear for users, who have logged in the store. Show once to visitors Select this checkbox to show the popup to visitors only once. For them, the popup will reappear after 30 days, if users closed the popup. (Note: If the settings Show once to visitors and Set cookie for newsletter popup(days), both are set, then the Show once to visitors will be given priority.) Set cookie for newsletter popup(days) Set the time (days) for which you want the cookies to expire. For example, if you set the time as two days, and the storefront customer closes the newsletter popup or submits their email for subscription, after two days, the popup will reappear on the storefront.
Last updated