Featured product

This section is to add your featured product. You can highlight any best-selling product using this section.

Select the customize theme option. Click on the dropdown menu at the top of the page to select the Home page template.

From the left side menu, select Featured product.

Customize the section by utilizing the settings on the right side of the theme editor, as described below:

Section visibility

Select from the options to select the visibility of this section: - Always - Small devices (On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.) - Large devices

Color scheme

Select any color scheme defined in the theme settings>Colors>Schemes.

Section background

Choose the background color from solid or gradient. These colors can be managed in the assigned color scheme.


Choose any product.

Media ratio

Choose from media's ratio in the grid from the following options: - Auto - Square - Landscape - Portrait

Section spacing

Desktop top space

Adjust the range bar to add spacing at the top of the section for desktop view.

Desktop bottom space

Adjust the range bar to add spacing at the bottom of the section for desktop view.

Mobile top space

Adjust the range bar to add spacing at the top of the section for mobile view.

Mobile bottom space Adjust the range bar to add spacing at the bottom of the section for mobile view.

Block settings


This shows the product title. Title size Select the title size from the following options: - XX- large - X- large - Large - Medium - Small - X-small


This block shows the product price. Hide unit price Tick this checkbox to show or hide the unit price. Hide taxes and shipping text Tick this checkbox to show or hide shipping content.

Variant picker

This is to show the product variants, e.g., Size, colors, etc. Variant type Choose the variant type from the following options: - Dropdown - Button

Quantity selector

This block shows the quantity selector.

Buy buttons

This block is to show the Add to cart button along with below settings: Show dynamic checkout button Select the checkbox to show the dynamic checkout button. Show recipient information form for gift cards Select the checkbox to show the recipient information form for gift cards only.

Pickup availability

This block shows the variant's pickup availability. To setup the pickup of product variants, refer to the docs.


It highlights the product’s SKU. For more details, refer to product details.


Add text related to product descriptions or any other text.

Custom liquid

You can add custom liquid codes for advanced customization, like app snippets.

Icon with text

Icon 1-3 Icon Choose any icon from the list. Custom icon Add the image of the icon. Heading Enter the heading text.

Social sharing

This block will show the social media icons. (Note: Make sure to add the links in the social media profiles under theme settings.)

Ask a question

This block will show a link, which opens a contact form. Label Enter the label text. Show label in front of share icons Select this checkbox to show the 'Ask a question' label in font of the social media sharing icons.

Payment icons

This block shows the payment icons.

Inventory status bar

Show status Select this checkbox to show the inventory status. (Note: For low inventory threshold setup, go to theme settings>product and setup the inventory status.)

Last updated