Featured collections list
This section allows users to add a maximum of ten collections displayed in slider layouts.
Configure featured collections list
Select the customize theme option. Click on the dropdown menu at the top to select the Home page template.
From the left side menu, select Featured collections list.
Customize the section by utilizing the settings on the right side of the theme editor, as described below:
Section visibility
Select from the options to select the visibility of this section: - Always - Small devices (On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.) - Large devices
Color scheme
Select any color scheme defined in the theme settings>Colors>Schemes.
Section background
Choose the background color from solid or gradient. These colors can be managed in the assigned color scheme.
Marquee direction
Select the direction: - Bottom to top - Top to bottom
Marquee speed
Adjust the range bar to select the marquee speed.
Desktop height
Adjust the range bar to select the section height on the desktop view, in between 500 px to 1000 px.
Mobile height
Adjust the range bar to select the section height on the mobile view, in between 300 px to 800 px.
Image overlay opacity
Adjust the range bar to determine the overlay opacity above the image. (Note: To change overlay color, edit the scheme "Image overlay background" color in the color scheme under theme settings.)
Section spacing
Desktop top space Adjust the range bar to add spacing at the top of the section for desktop view.
Desktop bottom space Adjust the range bar to add spacing at the bottom of the section for desktop view.
Mobile top space Adjust the range bar to add spacing at the top of the section for mobile view.
Mobile bottom space Adjust the range bar to add spacing at the bottom of the section for mobile view.
Block Settings
Add the image for your collection.
Add title to your collection. (Note: The marquee takes the collection title or the custom title.)
Last updated