This section can be used to display the map of the store location.
Configure map section
Go to Customize theme. Click the dropdown menu at the top of the page and select the Home page template.
From the left side menu, select Map.
Customize this section by using the setting on the right side of the theme editor, as described in the following table:
Enter text to display as a title.
Heading size
Select the heading size from the H1-H6 options.
Heading tag
Specify heading code types for SEO and search engines for crawling purposes.
Heading bottom spacing desktop
Adjust the range bar to add spacing below the heading on the desktop.
Heading bottom spacing mobile
Adjust the range bar to add spacing below the heading on the mobile.
Map address
Enter address text.
Map styles
Select map style from the options: -Roadmap -Satellite -Hybrid -Terrain
Roadmap Style
Select roadmap style(map style) from the options: - Standard - Silver - Retro - Dark - Night - Aubergine
Contact heading Enter text for the contact heading. Phone heading Enter text for the phone heading. Phone number Enter the store's phone number. Email heading Enter text for the email field heading. Email Enter the store's email address. Location heading Enter text for the location field heading. Location Enter the store's address. Enable social media icons Select this checkbox to show the social media icons.
(Note: To display your social media accounts, link them in your theme settings -> social media.) Section visibility Select from the options to select the visibility of this section: -Always -Small devices only(On selecting this, the section will be visible on mobile devices only.) -Large devices only
Color scheme
Select the color scheme from the given options;
Note: These can be managed from Theme settings> color schemes. Enable gradient Select this checkbox to show the gradient in the background color. This can be selected from theme settings>color schemes.
Top spacing (desktop)
Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section for desktop view.
Bottom spacing (desktop)
Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section for desktop view.
Top spacing (mobile)
Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section for mobile view.
Bottom spacing (mobile)
Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section for mobile view.
Last updated