✨Recommended sizes for images

Preset- Bright

  1. Categories: Width 800px , Height 750px

  2. Countdown: Width 1920px , Height 850px

  3. Image With Text: Width 1161px , Height 680px

  4. Media Banner: Width 2500px , Height 1334px

  5. Media With Text List: Width 650px , Height 650px

  6. Shop The Look: Width 850px, Height 600px

  7. Desktop Slideshow: Width 1920px , Height 850px/ Mobile Slideshow: Width 1000px , Height 1400px

  8. Video With Text Overlay: Width 1920, Height 850px


Preset- Decor

  1. Categories: Width 1510px , Height 1059px

  2. Collections Banner list: Width 1920px , Height 850px

  3. Collections Carousel: Width 800px , Height 1000px

  4. Collection Details: Width 1186px , Height 742px

  5. Images Carousel: Width 1186px , Height 742px

  6. Image With Text: Width 1596px , Height 1176px

  7. Logo List: Width 182px , Height 65px

  8. Media Grid: Width 800px , Height 1000px

  9. Social Media Gallery: Width 562px , Height 562px

  10. Split Banner: Width 800px , Height 1000px

  11. Video With Text Overlay: Width 1920, Height 850px

Last updated