


Select the image to add a logo.

Logo width

Adjust the slider to select a custom logo width. Show social media icons Tick the checkbox to show/hide the social media icons. (Note: To display the social media accounts, link them in the theme settings -> social media) Enable follow on shop Tick the checkbox to show/hide the follow-on shop button. For more information regarding this, go through this link. Make top corners rounded Select this checkbox to show the top corners rounded of the section.

Mobile menu

Style Choose from Stacked or Accordion to display the mobile menus. Open menu by default in accordions view Tick this checkbox to display the mobile menus accordions open by default.

Language selector

Enable language selector Tick the checkbox to show/hide a language selector.

Currency selector

Enable currency converter Tick the checkbox to show/hide a currency selector.

Payment methods

Show payment icons Tick the checkbox to show/hide the payment icons.

Copyright content

Hide copyright content Tick the checkbox to hide the default copyright content. Custom content Enter any text for the custom copyright content.


Image Choose any background image. (Note: Spacing will not work when background image is blank) Top spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section for desktop view.

Bottom spacing (desktop)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section for desktop view.

Top spacing (mobile)

Adjust the slider to add spacing at the top of the section for mobile view.

Bottom spacing (mobile) Adjust the slider to add spacing at the bottom of the section for mobile view.


Section background Choose any color for the section background color. It works with the rounded corners only. Image overlay Choose any color for the image overlay. Overlay opacity Adjust the range bar to determine the overlay opacity.

Bottom bar

Show policies

Tick the checkbox to show the store policies menus. (Note: To add policies, go the docs.)

Show copyright

Tick the checkbox to show the default copyright content.

Custom content

Enter any text for the custom copyright content.

Last updated