Announcement bar
This section is designated for adding important announcements to the website. This section's settings are as below:
Last updated
This section is designated for adding important announcements to the website. This section's settings are as below:
Last updated
Enable announcement bar
Tick this check box to show the announcement bar.
Show on homepage only
Tick this check box to show the announcement bar on the homepage only.
Use block colors
Tick this check box to show the block-specific colors instead of the section colors.
Auto-rotate slides
Tick this check box to auto rotate the slides.
Change slides every
Adjust the rangebar to select the time duration of the auto rotation.
Invert icons and selectors
Tick this check box to show the social media icons and selectors on the left side.
Enable social media icons
Tick this check box to show the social media icons. (Note: The social media links must be added in the theme settings>Social media for this.)
Enable language selector
Tick this check box to show the language selector. To add a language, go to your
Enable currency selector
Tick this check box to show the currency selector. To add a country/region, go to your
Background Choose the background color. Text Choose the text color. Link Choose the link color.
Block settings:
Insert any promotional or important text here.
Note: These colors are used, in case the 'Use block colors' setting in section settings is checked. Background Choose the background color. Text Choose the text color. Link Choose the link color.