Newsletter popup

Configure the newsletter popup

Select the customize theme option. Click on the dropdown menu at the top to select the Home page template.

From the left side menu, select the newsletter popup.

Customize the section by utilizing the settings on the right side of the theme editor, as described below:

Enable newsletter popup

Tick this checkbox to enable the newsletter popup.

Popup position

Select the popup position from the following options: -Top left -Top center -Top right -Middle left -Middle center -Middle right -Bottom left -Bottom center -Bottom right


Enter the heading text.


Enter the description text.

Set cookie for newsletter popup(days)

Set the time (days) for which you want the cookies to expire. For example, if you set the time as two days, and the storefront customer closes the newsletter popup or submits their email for subscription, after two days, the popup will reappear on the storefront.

Last updated