Email Templates
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Click on Email Templates to customize all email templates. Please read all the points given below.
Template name: The name of the email template.
Send to admin: A toggle that indicates whether the email template should be sent to the admin.
Send to customers: A toggle that indicates whether the email template should be sent to customers.
Edit: An icon that you can click to edit the email template.
Send: An icon that you can click to send a test email using the email template.
How to edit a email template ?
There are two types of email templates:
Default: These templates are provided by app and can be customized to a certain extent.
Custom: These templates are created by the merchant and can be fully customized.
In the email settings, you can also add the following:
BCC: A blind carbon copy recipient is a recipient who will receive a copy of the email but their email address will not be visible to the other recipients.
CC: A carbon copy recipient is a recipient who will receive a copy of the email and their email address will be visible to the other recipients.
Subject: The subject line of the email.
Reply to: The email address that replies to the email will be sent to.
To get all the variables in the tags section:
Click on the tags section in the email editor.
Click on the copy icon of variables that you want to insert into the email template.
You can see all the changes in preview section.
I have explained the following about all tags :-
Customer name - It is used to showing customer name in email templates. It will be replace with the actual name of customer.
Customer email - It is used to showing customer email in email templates. It will be replace with the actual email of customer.
Plan name - It is used to showing membership plan name in email templates. It will be replace with the actual name of membership plan.
Membership plan skip date - It is used to showing membership plan skip date in email templates. It will be replace with the actual date of membership plan skip date.
Plan status - It is used to showing membership plan status in email templates. It will be replace with the actual status of membership plan status.
Store name - It is used to showing store name of merchant in email templates. It will be replace with the actual store name of merchant.
Coupon code - It is used to showing discount coupon code in email templates. It will be replace with the actual discount coupon code.
Free shipping code - It is used to showing free shipping code in email templates. It will be replace with the actual free shipping code.
Free sign up product - It is used to showing free sign up product title in email templates. It will be replace with the actual title of product.
Free sign up product date - It is used to showing free sign up product date in email templates. It will be replace with the actual date of free sign up product.
Immediate sign up product - It is used to showing free sign up product immediate text in email templates. It will be replace with the actual text or immediate sign up product.
Percentage discount - It is used to showing percentage discount value of discount code in email templates. It will be replace with the actual value of percentage.